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The Weekly Blague

The News From Here

It's been a while since I've posted but yes, I'm still here, preparing for the July 7 publication of A Brooklyn Memoir: My Life as a Boy, now available for preorder on Amazon. (A huge thanks to everybody who already preordered!)


This isn't the final version of the cover that Amazon's displaying, though they'll have one soon enough.


I should also add that A Brooklyn Memoir will be available as an audio book—the first one of my books in that format.


I've been busy with things, too, though (as Bartleby might say) I'd prefer not to talk about them… yet.


So that's the news from here, such as it is. Wishing you all a very belated and Covid-free happy new year!


A Brooklyn Memoir is available for pre-order on Amazon and all other online booksellers.


I invite you to join me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter or my eternally embryonic Instagram.

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Second Chances

One thing I'm celebrating this holiday season is the impending re-release, on July 7, 2022, of my latest book, now titled A Brooklyn Memoir. Originally called Bobby in Naziland, it was first published in the "before times," in late 2019. Sales were brisk, reviews appreciative—"[Rosen] reminded me of Philip Roth in Portnoy's Complaint," said the Erotic Review—and events well attended. (Thank you, Subterranean Books in St. Louis!) Then came Covid and that was the end of that. My last public event, February 1, 2020, at Books and Books, in Coral Gables, Florida, seems like it took place in another life.


In the midst of the pandemic, I was ready to forget about Bobby in Naziland. But the publisher, Headpress, had other ideas. They felt the title, which we originally saw as a darkly amusing tip of the hat to Mel Brooks and Alice in Wonderland, wasn't playing well while a virus was killing thousands of people every day. But they thought the book was too good to abandon, so they decided to try again with the new title.


I love the colorized cover. That's me, my father, and a neighbor's dog, around 1957, on Church Avenue in Brooklyn, down the block from my father's candy store, where much of the action takes place.


A Brooklyn Memoir is available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and from independent bookstores. Or if you need a Christmas gift now, Bobby in Naziland, destined to be a collector's item, remains in stock.




Speaking of second chances, The Village Voice, which had been around since 1955 but had ceased publication in 2018, was resurrected this year. I was happy to become a contributor. My story, "Mike Tree in John Lennon's Nutopia," started out on this blog as "Catch and Kill, Ono-Style?" That it found its way, after some revisions and additions, into a venerable publication is one more thing to celebrate.


Happy holidays to one and all!


A Brooklyn Memoir is available for pre-order on Amazon and all other online booksellers.


I invite you to join me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter or my eternally embryonic Instagram.

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